Tuesday, April 11, 2023

OMG ITS 2023

 OMG guys. 

Its 2023. 4 years had passed since my last blog. It was 2019 and I talked about marrying this one guy that I just met a couple of month and we are getting married right? How interesting. Do you guys want to know how the story ends? I will get you guys up to speed at how life has been for me this last 4 years. 


I did got married to this guy. We got engaged on Hari Raya Haji and then got married on the 30th August 2020. It was a happiest day of my life. We had our Akad in the morning and then we move to the Sanding at night. My mom made me the most beautiful dress that I could imagine. She even made one for my husband too (Mat). That day, I felt at peace. I know that I am marrying a nice guy. The guy that God had sent to me and he is the perfect one for me. He understand me like no other. He told me that he will take care of me. The ceremony was filled with traditional dances and even my friends aka dance team came and performed that night. 

I remember that it was raining that day but everyone said that its okay, its like a blessing for the marriage. Alhamdulillah. Everything went smoothly. I cannot believe that I am a married person now. Felt so surreal. Looking back at all the blogpost in here with all the heartache and shattered heart. I finally had found my happiness. Nothing makes me feel like home if it wasn't for Mat. He is officially my home and I will follow him everywhere. 

My life has been so perfect thus far. 


At the start of January of 2021, I had found out that I am pregnant! I am so happy. I had one miscarriage last year on November. The baby didn't even make it to 6 weeks. But its okay. We had our rainbow baby. I had an amazing pregnancy. I have no bad morning sickness. We are so happy. We found out that we are having a girl at our 20 weeks scan. I know that I have wanted a boy but whatever it is. I know God send me a little girl for a reason. 

I am still working as a cosmetic chemist so I would be standing up most of the time when I was pregnant. It was tiring but I still can manage. My feet was bloated on my third trimester. But I love being pregnant. Every second of it. I remember when the baby kicks for the first time and I was so happy. I now know what it feels like to be a mother. To love a baby even when I haven't seen her yet. To feel like you are creating a life. The feeling is so surreal. I can't explain it in words. Mothers are the luckiest person on earth. 

16th October 2021- My baby girl was born. I was induced as I reached the 40 weeks marked. The baby just don't want to come out. So we went to KPJ Shah Alam on the 15th and was induced right after. I can feel the contraction that night and was fighting for my life. I remember asking for the pain killer at 10pm and by 4am, the pain killer runs out. I screamed for a new one and by 4.30 am, I had another pain killer in me. In the morning after breakfast, they have me eating my breakfast and pushed me to the labour room. They broke my water and gave me another inducing medicine. 

Since the morning, I have to have gas and been high most of the time. I remember just mumbling words that doesn't make sense. I am glad that my husband was there with me. He was there to hold my hands and ask me to always remember Allah. I remember nurses and doctor keep on checking my bottom to see how many cm dilated I am. I felt like I wanted to poop out. I constantly said that I want to go the bathroom. The nurse there said that its okay, you can just push here and just let the stool comes out. I was embarrassed but hell, I am giving birth. 

So by 4.12pm, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Numa Ayesha. I had to do a vacuum delivery as I can't push her. I tried but she is 3.61kg. She's a huge baby. No wonder I can't push her. Alhamdulillah, everything went well and she also get to go back home with me the next day and have no jaundice at all. Then its started. My journey as a mother began.....


I am now a mother, I can't believe it. I always wanted to be a mother. I wanted to be a mother first before I wanted to be a wife. I love kids and I can't believe the girl right in front of me is mine. I gave birth to her. She is so special. She has a birthmark on her right hand. Just like my father. That is such a sentimental thing for me. My daughter had follow my father's birthmark? Crazy. She is such a beautiful baby girl. So easy to take care but she didn't want to breastfeed. I have tried so many things to make her to drink my milk but she is such a smart girl. She really refuse to breastfeed. It got to me at some point where I do feel a bit depressed. But as long as she is full, everything is okay with me. 

Career wise, I did a major career change this year and quit my job. I love what I am doing but I hate the salary, the work on the Saturday and the standing up all the time. So I send my resignation and did my 3 month notice. At the same time I applied to work at AFS Malaysia. If you read my previous post, you can see that I went to the USA under a scholarship and it was organised by AFS Malaysia. I saw that they have a job offering and decided to try for it. 

I did my interview online and was offered a job there with better salary. I have to do YES program and manage the YES sending students to go to USA. I started working in October. Its the start of a new career and I can finally have Saturday off for my daughter. We can work 3 days in office and 2 days at home. It was for the best. I manage to send off the 2022 batch to USA. It felt so good and it brings back so much memories. 

Numa is one! She is such a fast learner. She started walking at 9 months old. Its the craziest thing. She turned one on the 16th October 2022 and we did a little party at my house and it turned out to be a big party. So many people shows up and Numa received so many present. Alhamdulillah for a year of Numa being in my family. Me and Mat are so in love with her. She is such a perfect baby and for her to turn one is such a huge milestones for me. Please don't grow up too fast.


2023 already, Wow! so fast! Anyway we starting the 2023 with a blast. Numa is getting more wiser and starting to talk now. We are in April now and are now fasting. I can't wait for Hari Raya this year as I have a matching baju with Numa. So excited. I am now working at AFS still but I moved department to Knowledge and Education Department. 


Do pray that we can add more family members in our family. 

Thats all for now. Talk to you again in idk when. 

Najmin (A wife and mother )


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Careful what you wish for

In my last post, I had wish that I would meet someone that would love me like I love him. And in a blink of an eye. I've met someone and he is the nicest man I ever met. He was introduced to me from my uncle and he texted me. We texted and he immediately decided that he wanted to meet me. I was scared. He was older than me by a lot. I have a lot going on in my head.

He was a motor guy, he repairs motocyle. Big motocycle. He always show me his motor and when he asked me to go on a date with me. I was like is he going to take me with a motorcycle. I even offered to use my car to go on this date. But he said he would pick me up. I was like okay. On that day, he came and he came with a car. A bmw. I was stunted. I should never judge people before I met someone. I think to myself.

In a month, I've met his family and he had met mine, he asked me in a hand of marriage and apparently I have found no reason for me to say no and just like that, we are doing it. We are getting married. Everything had move on so fast and swiftly. I cannot believe it. I went to Parit Buntaq to his kampung and we went to look for a ring. I was supposed to get engaged on the 22nd of March but the world was shocked by a virus that have no vaccines yet so the world have been on a lockdown. So the engagement was postponed. The marriage was supposed to happen on the 24th of July.

Here I am, God have given me a chance to know him a little bit more than I supposed to. I think God have a reason for all of these to happen. I have been doing my perangai of making tantrum and he has been very  patient about it. I believe it is a good quality of a husband. Being patient of me because I can be a handful.

I hope this is a right decision. I have been nothing but feeling safe with him. Everyone have told me that I am very lucky to have met him even my dad so that is mindblowing to think. I just leave everything to God right now. If he is the one for me then he is the one for me. I am going with flow of life now. InsyaAllah in the future I'll look back at these moment and smile and think how fast it is I've met my future husband.

Almost 27 years old,
Najmin Roslan 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Second time the charm

I used to write a tweet and now its pinned. It said "My heart so sincere its hurts"

I guess people keep wondering what does that means? I know exactly why I said it. After my last breakup, it has occur to me that I would never trust a guy again and little did I know I was fallen again. This time to a guy that never actually the nicest guy I've met. He always so annoyed at me, always pointing at my mistake and so on. But I know that just the way he is. He melawak like that. He can be sweet too. If you ended up knowing me. You would know I don't like guys that always puji me and stuff. I like his attitude. His ways. I think I can get by that annoying attitude and I can't seem to get him out of my mind. I met him at 24 during my last year of degree through my aunt. He was quite a handful and had been a reason that I smile for quite some times.

2 years later, after his game of disappearing and then resurface again and again. I found out that he is getting married. Am I sad? I am devastated. Am I happy for him? Of course. I know he is the kind of guy that think about his action through and through and he definitely been thinking about it. Do I know about the girl? Yes. He told me before about this girl that his parents want him to know.

I think this is a thing I should write about because I feel it my heart that I really care about this guy and I am a very hard person to feel this way. Two guys that I had loved is now married. I guess my jodoh is really hard then. But I do believe in true love. I know somewhere out there, there's a guy that can love me like I love him. This time he stick around and won't marry someone else. I hope.

Its my way of saying goodbye. It was nice knowing you. AK

Letting go,

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Najmin age 26

Alhamdulillah, I am at the age of 26. berhabuk this blog guys but it never failed to bring me back to my roots and how my story was being told by my young self. Whenever I'm writing again, I felt like my old self. The geeky Najmin who loves to write. Gone but never forgotten. I forgot how it felt like to write again.

So basically a complete recap of my life since I last wrote a blog. I'm not sure if I jotted this down before but I am currently in a rented room of a two storey house with a single bed in Puchong surviving this life alone. Yet again alone. and you know what. The transition that I did was not easy but it has been 7 months since I move in here. I had learn to adapt and just go with the flow. Here have taught me independence and able to do things on my own which I hated at first, balling my eyes wanted to go home a couple of month but here I am feeling like a totally independent woman.

I think I have my parents to thank, they never doubted me when I said I wanted to move, they know I can do it. I know I can do it but I know I had been a total princess before with them so maybe thats why I had not been able to accept the fact that I might not be able to have their help in my life again and its sucks.

But God is great, Allah is great. I am at a point where I can say that I have it all figured out. I bought my first car on May on my birthday. Both me and the roadtax of the car share the same date. haha. I am paying for my ptptn now. ughh I know. I have medical insurance, I have savings. I think I am at a point that I wanted to be in my life. Yes I haven't met a guy yet. I am not married yet but I am happy that I am able to think about myself and what I need as a person before I think about someone elses and you know what. I am delighted.

Now,  I am actually ready. I want to get married and have kids. This is my silent battle. People keep asking me when I am ready and are you not seeing anyone and why there isnt a guy that wanted you. I been asking myself the same thing. I never told anyone but I really am sooo ready to get married and have children. I have tasted the life of being a loner and I didnt like it. I want company so bad but I know Allah have great plans for me and I am a true believer of His choice and plans and who am I to questions His plan.

So I'll just wait and see. Alright that is it.

Talk to you later God knows when.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Road to adulthood

I just finished my degree in September 2017 and now I am working as a cosmetic chemist at one of the well-known cosmetic factory in Kedah. I am thrilled as this is an easy path for me as I got in as a lab assistant with no interview whatsoever. As a fresh grad, that ain't easy but that is the road that Allah had given me and Alhamdulillah it has been over a month since I am here and the people here are amazing. I love everything about this place.

The chemist here treat me like a little sister and they always share their experience with me and I believe that I will learn a lot from this place. I want to forever remember this place as my first job and remember how I started my career from a nobody. You are a nobody now Najmin. Work your way up InsyaAllah. Absorb everything. 

I can't believe that my dream is coming true. I am doing cosmetic now and I couldn't be happier. God has a funny way of making me learned Chemistry and take me back to my passion. This job is really am close to the heart. I had come to a realization of what I want to be now and its funny because reading back to my previous post when I was unsure. It's amazing. 

I am going to enjoy every second of these rezeki that Allah had given me and wake up everyday being thankful. 


Najmin Roslan

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Heart wants what it wants

I am in no mood to play around,
I am 24. I know I have a hard time finding love for myself. I don't know what I did in the past but it sure is painful now the world that I am living. Takpe Najmin. Kesedihan tu penghapus dosa. You'll be stronger than before. InsyaAllah. You will find your happiness. Just believe in God's plan.

Loving someone is very painful. Thats why I stay away from it the first place. But I can't help myself from loving someone so deeply. I need to stop doing that before I have no more heart to begin with. Haha. 

You need to make sure you fall for the right person after this okay najmin? Okay la ni hang lex luu abis degreeee dah kan? Kemonnn!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Muhammad Nuh B Muhammad Khir

11 March 2017

My nephew was born. I still remember that day where I was so excited that my sister safely delivered the little bundle of joy name Muhammad Nuh. But he was in Shah Alam and I am all the way in Kedah.

I was so happy. I love that my family is growing big and I am a makcik now. I don't mind that. First a makcik, next a mother. I am 24 for goodness sake. I have woman hormones. HAHAHA  kbye

Back to Nuh, I first laid eyes on him when my sister came back to Kedah for her confinement. Little Nuh is so little. He was literally less than 10 days old. Then I spend my time with him all thru Najla's confinement and I love him. I even love him before he enters the world. p/s : mothers usually feel that way. Not aunties but oh well I just so hopelessly sentimental that way.

Now its 23 July, 2017. I am on the night before my last degree finals. Will take about that in my next post and he is basically almost 4 months now. How adorable. He right now resemble a lot like my late grandmother on my mother's side.

He is literally a joy to my small family. I can't wait for him to grow up and read this post and see how much I love him even before he was born. Haih anak aku nanti macamana laa sayangnya. Oh well, lambat lagi kan nak kahwin. Hmmm.

Your hormonal Cumin,

OMG ITS 2023

 OMG guys.  Its 2023. 4 years had passed since my last blog. It was 2019 and I talked about marrying this one guy that I just met a couple o...